BSCRC Sequencing Core Suhua Feng (310) 206-3336 TLSB 3110. The High-Throughput Sequencing Core provides the UCLA research community with access to next-generation DNA sequencing technology. The technology in this Core offers capabilities including SNP mapping, RNA expression measurements, ChIP-seq and DNA methylation analyses at a genome-wide scale. Such capabilities enable researchers to study the regulation of thousands of genes in a single experiment, providing unprecedented insights into the molecular biology of a cell.
Clinical Microarray Core Xinmin Li (310) 825-3664 CHS 38-123 Provides comprehensive NGS and microarray service.
UCLA Neuroscience Genomics Core (UNGC) Joe DeYoung (310) 825-2390 Gonda Research Facility room 3558 The UCLA Neurosciences Genomics Core (UNGC) is currently operating an Illumina BeadLab 1000 high throughput SNP genotyping system (iScan), a Sequenom MassArray Compact mass spec and and two Illumina HiSeq 2500 next generation sequencing instruments in the Gonda research facility on the UCLA campus. Services include: RNA/DNA sequencing (Non UCLA neuro labs please inquire about service availability). Custom snp genotyping using the high throughput Illumina iSelect assays and with the Sequenom iPlex assay. Genotyping using all currently available Illumina Infinium whole genome chips. Gene expression using Illumina human expression chips. Whole genome methylation using Illumina Meth-450 chips. Project costs can be highly dependent on scale, with significant discounts potentially applying to larger projects.
For project specific pricing please contact
Joe DeYoung, Facility Manager.